import base64 import json import time from urllib import parse import requests from tabulate import tabulate from pywidevine.L3.cdm import deviceconfig from pywidevine.L3.decrypt.wvdecryptcustom import WvDecrypt from tools import dealck, md5, get_size, get_pssh def get_key(pssh): LicenseUrl = "" wvdecrypt = WvDecrypt(init_data_b64=pssh, device=deviceconfig.device_android_generic) widevine_license =, data=wvdecrypt.get_challenge()) license_b64 = base64.b64encode(widevine_license.content) wvdecrypt.update_license(license_b64) correct, keys = wvdecrypt.start_process() for key in keys: print('--key ' + key) key_string = ' '.join([f"--key {key}" for key in keys]) return key_string class iqy: def __init__(self, aqy): = aqy ckjson = dealck(aqy) self.P00003 = ckjson.get('P00003', "1008611") self.pck = ckjson.get('P00001') self.dfp = ckjson.get('__dfp', "").split("@")[0] self.QC005 = ckjson.get('QC005', "") self.requests = requests.Session() self.requests.headers.update({ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "Cookie":, }) self.bop = f"{{\"version\":\"10.0\",\"dfp\":\"{self.dfp}\",\"b_ft1\":8}}" @staticmethod def parse(shareurl): try: url = "" params = { "app_k": "20168006319fc9e201facfbd7c2278b7", "app_v": "8.9.5", "platform_id": "10", "dev_os": "8.0.1", "dev_ua": "Android", "net_sts": "1", "secure_p": "GPhone", "secure_v": "1", "dev_hw": "{\"cpu\":0,\"gpu\":\"\",\"mem\":\"\"}", "app_t": "0", "h5_url": shareurl } response = requests.get(url, params=params) data = response.json() pid = data['play_pid'] aid = data['play_aid'] tvid = data['play_tvid'] Album = data['album'] Title = Album['_t'] Cid = Album['_cid'] return pid, aid, tvid, Title, Cid except Exception as e: print(e) return None, None, None, None, None @staticmethod def get_avlistinfo(title, albumId, cid, pid): rets = [] page = 1 size = 200 def getlist6(): url = "" params = { "cid": "6", "sourceid": pid, "timelist": ",".join([str(i) for i in range(2000, 2026)]), } response = requests.get(url, params=params) data = response.json()['data'] for a, b in data.items(): for i in b: ret = { "album": title, "name": i['name'], "tvId": i['tvId'], } rets.append(ret) def getlist(): aid = albumId url = "" params = { "aid": aid, "page": page, "size": size } response = requests.get(url, params=params).json() if response['code'] != 'A00000': return None data = response['data'] total = data['total'] if total > size: for i in range(2, total // size + 2): params['page'] = i response = requests.get(url, params=params).json() data['epsodelist'].extend(response['data']['epsodelist']) for i in data['epsodelist']: ret = { "album": title, "name": i['name'], "tvId": i['tvId'], } rets.append(ret) if cid == 1: ret = { "album": title, "name": title, "tvId": albumId, } rets.append(ret) elif cid == 6: getlist6() else: getlist() return rets def get_param(self, tvid="", vid=""): tm = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) authKey = md5("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" + tm + str(tvid)) params = { "tvid": tvid, "bid": "600", "vid": "", "src": "01010031010000000000", "vt": "0", "rs": "1", "uid": self.P00003, "ori": "pcw", "ps": "0", "k_uid": self.QC005, "pt": "0", "d": "0", "s": "", "lid": "0", "cf": "0", "ct": "0", "authKey": authKey, "k_tag": "1", "dfp": self.dfp, "locale": "zh_cn", "pck": self.pck, "k_err_retries": "0", "up": "", "sr": "1", "qd_v": "5", "tm": tm, "qdy": "u", "qds": "0", "ppt": "0", "k_ft1": "706436220846084", "k_ft4": "1162321298202628", "k_ft2": "262335", "k_ft5": "134217729", "k_ft6": "128", "k_ft7": "688390148", "fr_300": "120_120_120_120_120_120", "fr_500": "120_120_120_120_120_120", "fr_600": "120_120_120_120_120_120", "fr_800": "120_120_120_120_120_120", "fr_1020": "120_120_120_120_120_120", } dash = f'/dash?' for a, b in params.items(): dash += f"{a}={b}&" dash = dash[:-1] + "&bop=" + parse.quote(self.bop) + "&ut=14" vf = md5(dash + "tle8orw4vetejc62int3uewiniecr18i") dash += f"&vf={vf}" return dash def get_dash(self, tvid="", vid=""): params = self.get_param(tvid=tvid, vid=vid) url = "" + params res = self.requests.get(url) return res.json() def run(self, url=None): url = input("请输入爱奇艺分享链接:") if url is None else url pid, aid, tvid, title, cid = self.parse(url) if pid is None: print("解析失败") return avlist = self.get_avlistinfo(title, aid, cid, pid) if avlist is None: print("获取列表失败") return table = tabulate(avlist, headers="keys", tablefmt="grid", showindex=range(1, len(avlist) + 1)) print(table) index = input("请输入序号:") index = index.split(",") for i in index: if i.isdigit(): i = int(i) if i > len(avlist): print("序号错误") continue tvId = avlist[i - 1]['tvId'] name = avlist[i - 1]['name'] ctitle = avlist[i - 1]['album'] print(f"正在获取{ctitle} {name}的m3u8") response = self.get_dash(tvid=tvId) try: if response['data']['boss_ts']['code'] != 'A00000': print(f'获取m3u8失败\n') print(response['data']['boss_ts']['msg']) continue except: pass data = response['data'] program = data['program'] if 'video' not in program: print("无视频") continue video = program['video'] audio = program['audio'] stl = program.get("stl", []) ''' list = [] for a in video: scrsz = a.get('scrsz', '') size = a['vsize'] vid = a['vid'] list.append((scrsz, vid, size)) list.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True) tb = tabulate(list, headers=["分辨率", "vid", "大小"], tablefmt="grid", showindex=range(1, len(list) + 1)) print(tb) index = input("请输入序号:") index = index.split(",") for i in index: vid = list[int(i) - 1][1] response = self.get_dash(tvid=tvId, vid=vid) try: if response['data']['boss_ts']['code'] != 'A00000': print(f'获取m3u8失败\n') print(response['data']['boss_ts']['msg']) continue except: pass data = response['data'] program = data['program'] if 'video' not in program: print("无视频") continue video = program['video'] ''' for a in video: try: scrsz = a.get('scrsz', '') vsize = get_size(a['vsize']) m3u8data = a['m3u8'] fr = str(a['fr']) name = name + "_" + scrsz + "_" + vsize + "_" + fr + 'fps' name = name.replace(' ', '_') file = f"./chache/{name}.m3u8" savepath = f"./download/iqy/{ctitle}" with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write(m3u8data) if m3u8data.startswith('{"payload"'): m3u8data = json.loads(m3u8data) init = m3u8data['payload']['wm_a']['audio_track1']['codec_init'] pssh = get_pssh(init) key_string = get_key(pssh) cmd = f"N_m3u8DL-RE.exe \"{file} \" --tmp-dir ./cache --save-name \"{name}\" --save-dir \"{savepath}\" --thread-count 16 --download-retry-count 30 --auto-select --check-segments-count " + key_string + " --decryption-binary-path ./mp4decrypt.exe -M format=mp4" else: cmd = f"N_m3u8DL-RE.exe \"{file} \" --tmp-dir ./cache --save-name \"{name}\" --save-dir \"{savepath}\" --thread-count 16 --download-retry-count 30 --auto-select --check-segments-count " with open(f"{ctitle}.bat", 'a', encoding='gbk') as f: f.write(cmd) f.write("\n") print(f"获取{name}成功") except: continue else: continue if __name__ == '__main__': ck = "" iq = iqy(ck)