Apple Music decryption tool, based on zhaarey/apple-music-alac-atmos-downloader
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
6.3 KiB

5 months ago
'use strict';
setTimeout(() => {
const port = 2147483647
function newStdStringFromBuffer(content) {
const size = content.byteLength;
const cap = 2 ** Math.ceil(Math.log2(size + 1));
const buffer = Memory.alloc(cap);
Memory.copy(buffer, content.unwrap(), size);
const addr = Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize * 3);
addr.writeULong(cap | 0x1);
addr.add(Process.pointerSize * 2).writePointer(buffer);
5 months ago
return {buffer: buffer, str: addr};
5 months ago
function newStdString(content) {
const size = content.length;
const cap = 2 ** Math.ceil(Math.log2(size + 1));
const buffer = Memory.alloc(cap);
const addr = Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize * 3);
addr.writeULong(cap | 0x1);
addr.add(Process.pointerSize * 2).writePointer(buffer);
5 months ago
return {buffer: buffer, str: addr};
5 months ago
const androidappmusic = Process.getModuleByName("");
const sessionCtrlPtr = androidappmusic.getExportByName("_ZN21SVFootHillSessionCtrl8instanceEv");
const sessionCtrlInstanceFunc = new NativeFunction(sessionCtrlPtr, "pointer", []);
const sessionCtrlInstance = sessionCtrlInstanceFunc();
const getPersistentKeyAddr = androidappmusic.getExportByName("_ZN21SVFootHillSessionCtrl16getPersistentKeyERKNSt6__ndk112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEES8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_");
const getPersistentKey = new NativeFunction(getPersistentKeyAddr, "void", Array(9).fill("pointer"));
const decryptContextAddr = androidappmusic.getExportByName("_ZN21SVFootHillSessionCtrl14decryptContextERKNSt6__ndk112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEERKN11SVDecryptor15SVDecryptorTypeERKb");
const decryptContext = new NativeFunction(decryptContextAddr, "void", Array(3).fill("pointer"));
const NfcRKVnxuKZy04KWbdFu71Ou = androidappmusic.getExportByName("NfcRKVnxuKZy04KWbdFu71Ou");
const decryptSample = new NativeFunction(NfcRKVnxuKZy04KWbdFu71Ou, 'ulong', ['pointer', 'uint', 'pointer', 'pointer', 'size_t']);
const kdContextMap = new Map();
function getkdContext(adam, uri) {
const uriStr = String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(uri))
if (kdContextMap.has(uriStr)) {
return kdContextMap.get(uriStr);
const defaultId = newStdStringFromBuffer(adam);
const keyUri = newStdStringFromBuffer(uri);
const keyFormat = newStdString("");
const keyFormatVer = newStdString("1");
const serverUri = newStdString("");
const protocolType = newStdString("simplified");
const fpsCert = newStdString(fairplayCert);
const persistentKey = Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize * 2);
getPersistentKey(persistentKey, sessionCtrlInstance, defaultId.str, keyUri.str, keyFormat.str, keyFormatVer.str, serverUri.str, protocolType.str, fpsCert.str);
const ptr = persistentKey.readPointer();
if (ptr.isNull()) return null;
const svfootHillPKey = Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize * 2);
decryptContext(svfootHillPKey, sessionCtrlInstance, ptr);
const ptr2 = svfootHillPKey.readPointer();
if (ptr2.isNull()) return null;
const ap = ptr2.add(0x18).readPointer();
if (!ap.isNull()) kdContextMap.set(uriStr, ap);
return ap;
async function handleConnection(s) {
// console.log("new connection!");
while (true) {
const adamSize = (await s.input.readAll(1)).unwrap().readU8();
if (adamSize === 0)
const adam = await s.input.readAll(adamSize);
const uriSize = (await s.input.readAll(1)).unwrap().readU8();
const uri = await s.input.readAll(uriSize);
const kdContext = getkdContext(adam, uri);
// console.log(adam, uri, kdContext)
while (true) {
const size = (await s.input.readAll(4)).unwrap().readU32();
if (size === 0)
const sample = await s.input.readAll(size);
decryptSample(kdContext.readPointer(), 5, sample.unwrap(), sample.unwrap(), sample.byteLength);
await s.output.writeAll(sample);
await s.close();
family: "ipv4",
port: port,
}).then(async function (listener) {
while (true) {
handleConnection(await listener.accept());
}, 4000);