import asyncio import time from itertools import islice from pathlib import Path import m3u8 import regex from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from src.config import Download from src.exceptions import NotTimeSyncedLyricsException from src.types import * def check_url(url): pattern = regex.compile( r'^(?:https:\/\/(?:beta\.music|music)\.apple\.com\/(\w{2})(?:\/album|\/album\/.+))\/(?:id)?(\d[^\D]+)(?:$|\?)') result = regex.findall(pattern, url) return result[0][0], result[0][1] def check_playlist_url(url): pattern = regex.compile( r'^(?:https:\/\/(?:beta\.music|music)\.apple\.com\/(\w{2})(?:\/playlist|\/playlist\/.+))\/(?:id)?(pl\.[\w-]+)(?:$|\?)') result = regex.findall(pattern, url) return result[0][0], result[0][1] def byte_length(i): return (i.bit_length() + 7) // 8 def find_best_codec(parsed_m3u8: m3u8.M3U8, codec: str) -> Optional[m3u8.Playlist]: available_medias = [playlist for playlist in parsed_m3u8.playlists if regex.match(CodecRegex.get_pattern_by_codec(codec),] if not available_medias: return None available_medias.sort(key=lambda x: x.stream_info.average_bandwidth, reverse=True) return available_medias[0] def chunk(it, size): it = iter(it) return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), ()) def timeit(func): async def process(func, *args, **params): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): print('this function is a coroutine: {}'.format(func.__name__)) return await func(*args, **params) else: print('this is not a coroutine') return func(*args, **params) async def helper(*args, **params): print('{}.time'.format(func.__name__)) start = time.time() result = await process(func, *args, **params) # Test normal function route... # result = await process(lambda *a, **p: print(*a, **p), *args, **params) print('>>>', time.time() - start) return result return helper def get_digit_from_string(text: str) -> int: return int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, text))) def ttml_convent_to_lrc(ttml: str) -> str: b = BeautifulSoup(ttml, features="xml") lrc_lines = [] for item in for lyric in item.children: h, m, s, ms = 0, 0, 0, 0 lyric_time: str = lyric.get("begin") if not lyric_time: raise NotTimeSyncedLyricsException match lyric_time.count(":"): case 0: split_time = lyric_time.split(".") s, ms = get_digit_from_string(split_time[0]), get_digit_from_string(split_time[1]) case 1: split_time = lyric_time.split(":") s_ms = split_time[-1] del split_time[-1] split_time.extend(s_ms.split(".")) m, s, ms = (get_digit_from_string(split_time[0]), get_digit_from_string(split_time[1]), get_digit_from_string(split_time[2])) case 2: split_time = lyric_time.split(":") s_ms = split_time[-1] del split_time[-1] split_time.extend(s_ms.split(".")) h, m, s, ms = (get_digit_from_string(split_time[0]), get_digit_from_string(split_time[1]), get_digit_from_string(split_time[2]), get_digit_from_string(split_time[3])) lrc_lines.append( f"[{str(m + h * 60).rjust(2, '0')}:{str(s).rjust(2, '0')}.{str(int(ms / 10)).rjust(2, '0')}]{lyric.text}") return "\n".join(lrc_lines) def check_song_exists(metadata, config: Download, codec: str): song_name = get_valid_filename(config.songNameFormat.format(**metadata.model_dump())) dir_path = Path(config.dirPathFormat.format(**metadata.model_dump())) if not config.atmosConventToM4a and codec == Codec.EC3: return (Path(dir_path) / Path(song_name).with_suffix(".ec3")).exists() elif not config.atmosConventToM4a and codec == Codec.AC3: return (Path(dir_path) / Path(song_name).with_suffix(".ac3")).exists() else: return (Path(dir_path) / Path(song_name).with_suffix(".m4a")).exists() def get_valid_filename(filename: str): return "".join(i for i in filename if i not in r"\/:*?<>|")