Apple Music ALAC / Dolby Atmos Downloader
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43 lines
1.9 KiB

media-user-token: "your-media-user-token" #If you need to obtain the lyrics, need to change it
authorization-token: "your-authorization-token" #You don't need to change it; it can automatically obtain token
embed-lrc: true
save-lrc-file: false
1 month ago
lrc-format: "lyrics" #lyrics syllable-lyrics
save-artist-cover: false
save-animated-artwork: false # If enabled, requires ffmpeg
emby-animated-artwork: false # If enabled, requires ffmpeg
embed-cover: true
cover-size: 5000x5000
cover-format: jpg #jpg png or original
alac-save-folder: AM-DL downloads
atmos-save-folder: AM-DL-Atmos downloads
check: "" # API or .txt
force-api: false
3 months ago
decrypt-m3u8-port: ""
get-m3u8-port: ""
get-m3u8-from-device: true
#set 'all' to retrieve all m3u8, and set 'hires' to only detect hires m3u8.
get-m3u8-mode: hires # all hires
alac-max: 192000 #192000 96000 48000 44100
atmos-max: 2768 #2768 2448
limit-max: 200
3 months ago
#{AlbumId} {AlbumName} {ArtistName} {ReleaseDate} {ReleaseYear} {UPC} {Copyright} {Quality} {Codec} {Tag} {RecordLabel}
4 months ago
#example: {ReleaseYear} - {ArtistName} - {AlbumName}({AlbumId})({UPC})({Copyright}){Codec}
album-folder-format: "{AlbumName}"
#{PlaylistId} {PlaylistName} {ArtistName} {Quality} {Codec} {Tag}
4 months ago
playlist-folder-format: "{PlaylistName}"
4 months ago
#{SongId} {SongNumer} {SongName} {DiscNumber} {TrackNumber} {Quality} {Codec} {Tag}
#example: Disk {DiscNumber} - Track {TrackNumber} {SongName} [{Quality}]{{Tag}}"
song-file-format: "{SongNumer}. {SongName}"
#{ArtistId} {ArtistName}/{UrlArtistName}
4 months ago
#if artist-folder-format set "",will not make artist folder
artist-folder-format: "{ArtistName}"
#if set "" will not add tag
explicit-choice : "[E]"
clean-choice : "[C]"
apple-master-choice : "[M]"
#if set true,for playlst,will use songinfo for meta #albumname track disk
use-songinfo-for-playlist: false
#if set true,will download album cover for playlist
dl-albumcover-for-playlist: false